Our Terms of Service
By using The Fiction Forum or The Fiction Forum for Kids, you are agreeing to abide by the Terms of Service. Please note that The Fiction Forum includes (but is not limited to) newsletters and services such as The Fiction Forum Review, The Fiction Forum News Newsletter, The Fiction Forum for Kids, critique groups, and discussion forums. The purpose of these Terms of Service are to make The Fiction Forum a safe and friendly environment for everyone.
1. Acceptance of Terms
The Fiction Forum is provided to you free of charge under these Terms of Service. By visiting any portion of The Fiction Forum web site and/or participating in services or events you are indicating your agreement to be bound by these Terms of Service. The Fiction Forum shall not be liable to you for any breach of these Terms of Service. If you do not agree to these Terms of Service please do not view the site or participate in services or events.
These Terms of Service may be updated at any time with or without notice. The Fiction Forum may supplement these Terms of Service with additional terms pertaining to specific content, services or events.
2. Participation Information/Privacy Policy
When you participate in The Fiction Forum services or events you may be required to provide such information as your email address. The Fiction Forum will not sell, rent or otherwise distribute your information to outside parties.
3. Termination
The Fiction Forum reserves the right, at its sole discression, to immediately, without notice suspend or terminate your registration/participation with or ability to access The Fiction Forum and/or other services or events provided to you by The Fiction Forum.
4. Modifications to The Fiction Forum
The Fiction Forum may modify or discontinue the web site, services, or events provided to you without notice and without liability to you or any third party.
5. Content of Messages
You alone are responsible for the content of your messages and the consequences of any such message. You agree not to post messages containing illegal or offensive material. The Fiction Forum reserves the right to delete any message with or without cause or warning.
6. Third Party Service
The Fiction Forum is not responsible for any content or services provide by third parties. The Fiction Forum makes no guarantees on third party material or services and shall not be held liable for any consequences of such material or services.
7. Disclaimer of Warranties
You expressly agree that use of The Fiction Forum and all services and events is at your sole risk. The Fiction Forum makes no warranties to the content, service, events or availability of The Fiction Forum.
8. Privacy Policy
The Fiction Forum will not sell or distribute personal information about our vistiors such as email address to any third party. To view our full privacy policy please click here.
If you have questions about these Terms of Service please contact us at comments@fictionforum.com
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