I don’t know if any of you live near the Chicago area, but a fantastic conference called Write-to-Publish will be held there in a couple of months if anyone’s interested. (You’re just in time to register!)
Just in the last couple of years, two of my friends have earned first book deals by attending the conference. One of my friends even signed a deal for a series of fantasy novels through Write-to-Publish.
Please help me spread the word, see some of you there possibly!
Info from the website:
The Write-to-Publish Writers’ Conference, your key to getting published and earning extra income, will be held on June 5-8, 2013 in Chicago, IL area. The conference offers classes for beginning through career writers, meetings with editors and agents, and manuscript evaluations. This year’s speakers include Dr. Craig von Buseck, Bob Hostetler and Joyce K. Ellis. Details can be found at http://www.writetopublish.com, brochure@writetopublish.com.