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Jan 15, 2008
An Interview with Zachary Weiner
Conducted by Carrie Smoot December 2003 FF: How did you come up with the idea for “City at Night?” What motivated you to write the story? Zachary Weiner: It’s interesting really, and I think most writers find the fact to be true, but I was in a setting at the time I began conceptualizing City at Night that was incredibly inspiring for the work. Each day I would go out and venture in this setting I... read more
Jan 15, 2008
An Interview with Paul A. Toth
Interview by Dr Bob Rich FF: Paul, writing humorously about serious topics is one of the most difficult things a writer can do. Was this your intent with ‘Fizz’? And if yes, are you a person who makes people laugh in your everyday life? Paul A. Toth: That was the intent, and part of the difficulty was not trying to be funny but playing it straight. It’s Ray’s utter earnestness in... read more
Jan 15, 2008
An Interview with Linda Joy Singleton
Conducted by Dr. Bob Rich FF: Linda Joy Singleton is a popular author of stories for children. Or is it young adults…? I am confused. Is there adifference, and if so, which one are you? Linda: Both! I’ve written midgrade books like the MY SISTER THE GHOST series and young adult books like the REGENERATION teen cloning mysteries. Mostly I just say I write juvenile novels, which covers all age... read more
Jan 15, 2008
An Interview with Tim McCann
Conducted by Mark Schofield As a moviemaker, Tim McCann is a wildcat. He writes and directs, shoots and edits, and attends to the stark financial exigencies of the entertainment business—and he’s got opinions. McCann and I talked recently about the hard work and disappointments of finding space for independent art in an industry bloated with formula and obeisant to profit. Fiction Forum: As a kid, I... read more
Jan 15, 2008