July Brags
Therese Heckenkamp, author of Past Suspicion, will be featured in the January 2004 issue of The Writer, contributing to the “Breakthrough” department an article describing her journey from teen writer to publication, focusing on how she turned youth to her advantage in writing Past Suspicion and getting it published.
The Writer, the oldest magazine for writers published in America, has won many prestigious awards. tessheckenkamp@hotmail.com, www.pastsuspicion.com
Karen Weisner would like to announce the opening of “Jewels of the Quill!”
Writing Treasures for Every Taste…
Jewels of the Quill is a group of award-winning women authors from the Midwest. We write in nearly 30 categories of fiction, nonfiction and everything in between. Among the 12 authors in the group, we’ve had over 130 books published with another 36 contracted for from 33 publishers. We’ve won or finaled for almost 100 awards. Our books are available in paperback, trade paperback, hardcover, electronic and audio formats. In short, we offer something for every reader.
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