
What If…

by Regina J. Williams

Recommended by: Jennifer LB Leese
Published by Illumination Arts
Release: 2001
Format: Hard Cover (HC) 32 pages
ISBN: 0-935699-23-6

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At bedtime, a mother tries to tuck her son into bed, but he decides that it’s a good time to say, “but what if…,” delaying bedtime as long as he can.

The little boy dreams up all kinds of things such as WHAT IF…butterflies could sing, WHAT IF…trees shrunk to the size of a flower, and WHAT IF…he had a pet kangaroo named Cornflower.

Regina Williams’s book WHAT IF…is written as if a small child sat beside her and told her dream-like ideas as she wrote it down. This fascinating story is filled with enchanting, imaginative thoughts that almost any child, and parent, can relate to with ease.

Because this story takes place at bedtime, it makes the perfect story to read to children at bedtime.

The brilliantly colored illustrations by Doug Keith, are breath-taking, and magically capture the little boy’s dreams.

Included on the back panel of the book, is a cleverly designed drawing that glows in the dark after holding it up to a light. Children will love it.

Regina J. Williams came up with the idea of WHAT IF…by making it a game with her daughter, Kayla. They’d challenge each other to come up with creative what ifs. Williams is a speech and language pathologist for public schools. She lives in New Boston, Texas wither husband, and two daughters, Kayla, and Grace. WHAT IF…is her first book.

It comes highly recommended by this reviewer.

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